Tuesday, August 31, 2010

5.00 am wake-up

All week long campers talked excitedly about ‘Friday morning’. Friday morning would be the day we woke at 5.00 am, grabbed our flashlights and headed up the footpath leading to the top of the mountain to welcome the morning sun.
The year was 1968 and I was 14- getting up at 5.00 am was still a novel and exciting concept!
In the days leading up to the morning hike we discussed who would bring the snacks, who would have the batteries ready for the flashlights, who would be responsible for waking everyone up and who would have the thermoses filled with hot chocolate- and being 14 year old girls- we talked about what we were going to wear!
Thursday night brought mixed emotions- we were indeed excited about the morning hike right around the corner, but it meant the camp experience was coming to an end as well. Friday morning also heralded Friday evening- the last night of camp. Shortly after 5.00 am on Friday morning we slowly made our way up the steep footpath to the top of the mountain. The only sounds we heard were our footsteps crunching the wooden twigs beneath us, our clothing brushing against the close underbrush of the forest trees and our thermoses jostling in our backpacks. At the top of the mountain we spread out our blanket in a clearing and waited. We sat looking towards the east straining to see the sun’s first rays and with our mugs filled with hot chocolate we were ready to welcome this day.

Our first glimpse of the morning light was not the sun itself but trees and dew filled grass that started to sparkle. Grasses became deep green in color, water drops on spider webs twinkled like crystal and mountain ranges seemingly backlit gained their distinctive outlines.

      It seemed the rising of the morning sun could not be distinguished from the effect it had on everything it touched.

Although I haven’t stayed in touch with any of the girls from that summer camp over the years, remembering that Friday morning still brings me a deep sense of awe and peace. I find myself repeating the process of ‘dreaming, planning, waiting, experiencing and remembering’ as I seek to become the person God has created me to be and I still get excited about sharing this journey with others who seek God’s presence.

Where do you see dew touched grass sparkle and crystal water drops hanging from spider webs on your journey today?