Monday, January 25, 2010

Steve Jobs annoucement of the new Apple Tablet

"This will be the most important thing I've ever done." Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, is referring to the yet to be revealed Apple Tablet. While I have a couple of things I've created (educational programs/creative arts/research) could I say that one thing is THE most important thing- one thing that is yet to be tested, evaluated or revised? Isn't that something you say at the end of your life while revisiting memories with family and friends, "Do you remember when we ditched algebra class, caught the bus into town and sat at the coffee shop all afternoon? Wasn't that fun?" (Disclaimer to my children: this is a totally invented story!)
Which got me thinking, what can i (or you) say is the most important thing we've ever done? And how would you evaluate significance? By size, cost, largest impact on the most people, most significant change in one individual? Of course this exercise soon becomes impossible to do without first recognizing that what one values will guide the framework for deciding what is important.
I'm happy for Steve Jobs to be able to experience such moments of joy, fulfillment and satisfaction with regards to the work he is doing. I am ecstatic when people of faith demonstrate similar enthusiasm for Spirit's work in us and the world.

I can see the headline now-God says "This is my best work" as God introduces creation. While I am happy that Steve Jobs has created the Tablet, I can go through life never owning one (although I will probably envy those who have one), however my very existence flows from God's proclamation of God's work. "God saw all that God had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31.

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